To become a member of Yes Dunbar just complete the form below and click Submit. Please give your home postcode to confirm that you live in the Dunbar/East Linton ward in East Lothian: we cannot register you as a member without this.
There is no charge for membership (although donations are very welcome). It is also possible to register at our streetstalls and other events. See below for our Privacy Policy.
We also have a category of supporters – people who live outwith the Dunbar/East Linton ward but who wish to keep in touch. You will get updates about any open meetings and other events we arrange if they are not just for members. It’s helpful to know where you live, but you don’t have to give your postcode.
I support your aims – please register me as a Yes Dunbar Member (or Supporter):
Privacy Policy
Yes Dunbar will use the information you provide to keep you informed by email about our activities. In general, members can expect to receive an update around once a month. Updates for supporters are sent up to around four times a year – generally when specific events are planned. Your contact details will not be shared with any other organisation except with your explicit consent. If you volunteer to help with an activity (e.g. a streetstall) your email may be shared with others helping that day, but otherwise the contact details of members and supporters are only available to the committee. You can ask to be removed at any time: just email or reply to any of our emails. Please also let us know if your contact details change or if you move home.